Town of Cicero, IL $10K Contractor Bond

We write $10,000 Contractor Bonds in the Town of Cicero, Illinois.

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General Information

Cicero, IL Contractor Bonds are required by the Town of Cicero, IL Business License Department. The required bond amount is $10,000 depending on the type of contractor. Bonds will be made out to The Town of Cicero. These bonds expire on June 30th of each year. Click to read more about (Click for list of bonds to be furnished to Town of Cicero.) Visit (Town of Cicero IL Building Department.)

No underwriting or credit check required!
Just complete the information below, pay by credit card, and your bond will be issued in minutes.

*The state of Illinois does not require a bond for Plumbing contractors with a category 055 state license. However, these contractors are required to complete a new application each year, and submit it, along with a copy of the license.

In accordance with the requirements of the Town of Cicero, Business License Department, all Cicero Contractor bonds issued will include the following statement: "shall save and keep harmless the Town of Cicero from all loss or damage which it may sustain, or for which it may become liable on account of the issuance of said license or permit."

If you are a Excavating, Wrecking, or Tank Installer/Remover contractor in need of a bond click here to visit our $20K Cicero Contractor page.

Additional information about this corporate surety bond requirement is as follows:
Obligee - Town of Cicero, IL Business License Department
Bond Amount - $10,000.00
Bond Premium - $75.00

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