Harvey, Illinois Contractor Surety Bond $20,000
Harvey, Illinois Contractor Surety Bond $20,000
We write $20,000 Contractor Surety Bonds in Harvey, Illinois.
General Information
All Contractors performing work with the City of Harvey must be licensed within the City. The required bond amount is $20,000, certified to the City of Harvey, Planning Department. All Contractor Licenses expire a year from the date of registration.
Follow this link if you would like to visit the City of Harvey, Planning Department page for the
Harvey, Illinois Contractor Surety Bond requirement.
No underwriting or credit check required! Just complete the information below, pay by credit card, and your bond will be issued in minutes.
Additional information about this corporate surety bond requirement is as follows:
Obligee - City of Harvey, Planning Department
Bond Amount - $20,000
Bond Premium - $200
License expires annually, from the date of registration.
*Please be sure to indicate the type of contractor in the field below.