Indiana City of Indianapolis Contractor Bond

We write $10,000 City of Indianapolis Contractor Surety Bonds in Indiana.
Our price is $175 for 2 years. INSTANT ISSUE - NO UNDERWRITING!

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General Information

Indiana City of Indianapolis Contractor Bonds are required by the Consolidated City of Indianapolis. The required bond amount is $10,000. These bonds expire December 31st of even years.

No underwriting or credit check required! Just complete the information below, pay by credit card, and your bond will be issued in minutes.

In compliance with the requirements of the City of Indianapolis, all bonds issued will show the bond number, list the name, address and phone number of our company and that of the insurance agent, will indicate coverage for "General Contractor", will be signed by the principal, and will be an original copy of the bond with seal, stamp, or sticker.

Follow this link if you would like to visit the Consolidated City of Indianapolis page for the General Contractor's Bond requirements.

Additional information about this corporate surety bond requirement is as follows:
Obligee - Consolidated City of Indianapolis
Bond Amount - $10,000.00
Bond Premium - $175.00 for two years
Bonds expire December 31st of even years

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Enter EXACTLY as it should appear on the bond.

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