Tulsa, OK Irrigation Contractor's Bond
Tulsa, OK Irrigation Contractor's Bond
We write $5,000 Irrigation Contractor's Bonds in Tulsa, Oklahoma.
Term Options
Renew less often, save time and money by choosing a longer bond term!
Additional term options available below under Additional Information & Shipping.
General Information
City of Tulsa Irrigation Contractor Bonds are required by the City of Tulsa, Department of Public Works. The required bond amount is $5,000. This bond is a requirement of the Right of Way Minor Construction Permit Application in the City of Tulsa.
No underwriting or credit check required! Just complete the information below, pay by credit card, and your bond will be issued in minutes.
This bond will comply with the Tulsa Revised Ordinance Title 11, Chapter 12, Section 1211 Insurance. Title 35 must be submitted with the application.
Additional information about this corporate surety bond requirement is as follows:
Obligee - Tulsa Department of Public Works
Bond Amount - $5,000.00
Bond Premium - $100.00
These bonds expire on December 31st of each year.
The City of Tulsa Minor Construction Right of Way Permit application also covers work for Temporary Use of Street, Street/Alley Cuts, Bore, Sidewalk/Driveway, and other Excavation Activities.
Follow this link if you would like to visit the City of Tulsa page for the
Irrigation Contractor Bond requirement.